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Showing posts from August, 2018

New Business Cards

Hey guys, so just for fun I thought I'd get myself some business cards! I'd been telling people about my little hobby (No, not that one, 3D printing you filthy minded animals) and it was getting exhausting having to spell out web addresses or look over their shoulder as they tried to find the correct Instagram page.  So I decided to mock up some basic cards that had a QR code for my  Instagram , Facebook and this blog.  I ended up liking the simple design so much I went ahead and ordered some cards! The QR cards make it a breeze to get people to the right pages, especially on Apple (urgh) as the native camera app picks up the code when pointed at the image with no other apps required (Android still requires a dedicated QR scanner app, come on Google! Sort it out!).  I used a free online QR code design tool and stuck some mini logos in the middle of each so people would know which code took them where. I paid a little extra to get the cards with raised print ...

Some of my Favourite Prints of the Past Couple Months

Hey guys, as I haven't done a print of the month in a little while, I thought this week I'd just share with you all a few of the prints I'm most happy with from the past couple of months.  If you follow me on Instagram (If not why not?!) you may have seen these before. I'm going to split this post into tree sections; "Functional prints", "Projects" and "Just for fun". Functional prints Both of these prints are for the redecorating of our second room, which is currently in full swing.  We both have new desks and have converted the space where my wife's old desk was into a workspace for projects!! I will definitely do a post with photos when the room is finished, but for now I have printed a couple of items to help keep the room nice and tidy.  First we wanted to mount the Google Home Mini to the wall like we did in the bedroom, so I printed another "invisible" mount; It looks great and keeps the speaker firmly in plac...